Friday, June 4, 2010

Your Ideas are to be Protected

I heard a friend of mine tell his daughter that she should be careful what she puts on her facebook page because employers and colleges are looking at those things before they hire or allow enrollement.
This not the first I have heard of this either. Many of you have probably heard the same thing. I have learned that people have lost their jobs because they posted something on a blog page that their employers did not like. Im not talking about negative remarks about a boss or co-worker. Things like political ideas or sexual preference.
What is this world coming to? Ill tell you what it is coming to. Its becoming a place where a few people feel that their ideas need to be adopted by the whole world. So much so that they will do anything they can to keep you from wanting to have your own ideas. At the very least they are wanting to keep you from expressing them.
Dont let them have that. Dont let them do it. Express your ideas and opinions every chance you get. Get your friends, family and yes...even co-workers used to hearing things they dont agree with or like. Lets get this nation back to a place where men are free to think as they please.

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